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Scholastic Book Fair


More books.   More choices.   More fun.


The Book Fair is coming, and it's going to be epic!  Start exploring on our school's Book Fair homepageWe're turning up the volume on this year's Fair with more books, more choices, and more fun than ever before. The Scholastic Book Fair is where your readers get to choose. Plus, every purchase benefits our school. 
Come and visit us in person in the Oakdale library or shop online from our homepage
  • Tuesday, March 4th from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday, March 5th from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM * 
  • Thursday, March 6th from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM * 

*during conferences, ending with last conference time

The Book Fair has gone cashless! Please make purchases with a credit card, eWallet, or another form of electronic payment. (If you are sending your child in to pay, please have funds available via E-Wallet.)  It is easy to set up your eWallet on our Book Fair homepage! 

All proceeds from the Book Fair go to support Oakdale's teachers, students, and library. Support from our most recent fairs provided 50 free books to students, over 40 books for classroom teachers, and $600 of books and resources for our library. Thank you for your continued support!

Volunteers Needed

We are in need of volunteers to help work at the Book Fair. If you and your student would like to help, please click here to sign-up! All student volunteers must have an adult present with them.




Please contact the Committee Chair, Libby Burrows.

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